Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Guillain-Barré syndrome is a rare disease whose exact cause is unknown, although it is usually preceded by an infectious disease, such as a respiratory infection or viral gastroenteritis.

As a consequence of the aforementioned -and due to a reaction of the body’s own immune system-, the nerves begin to be damaged, producing the initial symptoms of this disease, such as tingling or prickling sensations, which usually start in the feet and spread to the upper limbs. Weakness is observed in the legs and extends to the upper body, resulting in difficulty or inability to walk, and may involve the muscles of the face, the ability to speak, chew or swallow, and even a respiratory condition that may require mechanical ventilation.

These symptoms will depend on several types and forms of the disease.

Once the acute stage of the disease has been overcome -and when the patient is ready to start rehabilitation-, Alcla develops the most appropriate treatment plans according to the sequelae in the patient’s condition. In most cases, motor strength is recovered in approximately one year of treatment.